TNTP CEO Responds to the 2024 Nation’s Report Card
The magic of the American dream is in its promise: that where a young person starts in life does not have to determine where they end up. And yet, based on the 2024 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) results, the opposite may be true for millions of young people.
Research shows that academic performance strongly predicts the earnings young people will achieve in adulthood. TNTP’s own report, Paths of Opportunity, found that while a strong academic foundation doesn’t entirely overcome the effects of poverty for young people born into lower income families, it does significantly increase their chance of earning a living wage by the age of 30.
Based on that fact alone, the NAEP results paint a dim picture for the future success of young people. At a time when the wealth gap and the income gap are both widening, young people are less prepared than ever for the challenges ahead. And, that achievement gap is firmly set across lines of class, race, and geography.
We cannot accept this as our new normal. We must accelerate learning so that all our nation’s young people can build a strong academic foundation that will prepare them for thriving lives and careers.
Let’s keep in mind the original purpose of NAEP, when Congress authorized it in 1969. They wanted policymakers, educators, and researchers to be able to understand and compare how American students are doing in school so they could take appropriate actions. The Nation’s Report Card was intended as a valuable tool to help us gauge growth, aim higher, and stay dedicated to progress. It is not meant to be the end of the story.
With coordinated and consistent efforts, it’s possible to accelerate learning at scale in systems and states across the nation. The bright spots we see in the NAEP results — states like Louisiana, Tennessee, and Alabama — show that a dedicated, data-driven effort can have a positive impact on teaching and learning. Yes, it takes time for new approaches to yield results, so we have to intentionally commit to ongoing cycles that rapidly assess what is working and adjust what needs to be improved.
We know that with the right supports, young people can catch up to grade level. TNTP’s recent report, The Opportunity Makers, shows how a varied group of schools across the country are successfully catching students up through a steady, sustained focus on three practices: consistency, coherence, and belonging. These practices can be scaled and replicated — and our resources can help.
The NAEP results present significant concerns about students’ academic achievement. We can’t lose sight of that. Let’s also remember that they reflect just one moment in time — not an inevitable destiny for young people. As we cut, ponder, and sometimes pontificate about the data, let us be mindful that these results are not just data points. At the end of these data points are real people with hopes and aspirations. They deserve so much more from us.
So, let this week’s results serve as a loud clarion call to be a catalyst for change. At this moment in time, two things are true. We must invest in our public education system so that all young people have clear pathways to opportunity. And all of us have far more work to do across sectors and at every level to transform our education system to meet the needs and aspirations of our children, so that every young person—every generation—thrives.
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Imali Ariyarathne, seventh-grade teacher at Langston Hughes Academy, introduces her students to the captivating world of science.
About TNTP
TNTP is the nation’s leading research, policy, and consulting organization dedicated to transforming America’s public education system, so that every generation thrives.
Today, we work side-by-side with educators, system leaders, and communities across 39 states and over 6,000 districts nationwide to reach ambitious goals for student success.
Yet the possibilities we imagine push far beyond the walls of school and the education field alone. We are catalyzing a movement across sectors to create multiple pathways for young people to achieve academic, economic, and social mobility.