The Opportunity Makers
A varied set of schools are driving student success through belonging, consistency and coherence. Find out how to apply their best practices through our suite of tools and resources.
Third-grade students excited to learn science at J.M. Ullom Elementary in Las Vegas. The school is a teaching site for members of the Nevada Teacher Corps.
As a leading education nonprofit since 1997, we have combined insight, courage, and action to conceive scalable solutions that address complex challenges from the classroom to the systems level. Today, we work side by side with educators, system leaders, and communities across 39 states and more than 6,000 districts nationwide to reach ambitious goals for student success.
Our vision pushes beyond school walls, catalyzing cross-sector collaboration. Together, we must build a future in which public education can truly make it possible for all young people to thrive in life, pursue their chosen careers, and shape our democracy.
We work to ensure that every young person has multiple paths not only to academic success but to the other opportunities and experiences that lead to economic and social mobility. We invite everyone working with young people to partner with us to apply innovative solutions and strategies that will improve life outcomes for our youth.
Third-grade students collaborate on a math lesson.
TNTP has identified five interconnected factors that are critical for ensuring young people can thrive in school and throughout their lives. They are:
1. A strong academic foundation
that enables young people to learn on grade level.
2. Career-connected learning
to build the skills and experience for evolving careers.
3. Opportunities to build social capital
and activate networks to advance goals.
4. Personal support in their lives
to navigate toward goals and stay on track.
5. Civic and community engagement
to participate fully in society and shape a better future.
These factors are far more powerful when they work in concert and when students feel supported and accepted.
After partnering with TNTP, teachers and leaders report feeling better equipped to improve instructional practices and increase student engagement. Students receive stronger teaching, challenging assignments, and high-quality instructional materials. And the adults around them are more likely to hold them to high standards—a key predictor of academic success.
Explore Our Impact6M
more students received stronger instruction
more students engaged with grade-appropriate assignments
more students had teachers and leaders who held them to high academic standards
Ready to get started?
Let’s work together to ensure that all young people have pathways to opportunity and can thrive in an increasingly dynamic world.
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