The Opportunity Makers
A varied set of schools are driving student success through belonging, consistency and coherence. Find out how to apply their best practices through our suite of tools and resources.
We collaborate with state education agencies, school districts, and community-based organizations to build partnerships designed for exponential impact. Whether we’re advising on curriculum adoption, collective bargaining, or policies to promote educator effectiveness, we offer recommendations rooted in research and experience.
Working with our clients and partners, we design and conduct research to answer their most pressing questions. We collect and analyze data, discover insights, and deliver key takeaways in digestible, compelling, and action-oriented formats.
The Opportunity Myth Report
In response to The Widget Effect, our influential report on teacher effectiveness, 32 states changed their laws to improve teacher evaluations by identifying and acknowledging differences in teacher performance.
Our national groundbreaking report, The Opportunity Myth, identified the gaps that leave high school graduates unprepared for the lives they hope to lead. As a result, schools are successfully closing these gaps by adopting our four recommended resources.
And now, as we look to transform education and the trajectories of young people’s lives, we are highlighting Paths of Opportunity: What it Will Take for All Young People to Thrive and the five factors we’ve found shape social and economic mobility in adulthood. Paths is the first of a series of publications.