Insight Help Center

School Operations

A well-run school with efficient operations allows teachers to maximize learning time in the classroom. In this Insight survey domain, teachers report on the efficiency and effectiveness of the daily operations of their building, including non-academic services, student information systems, and overall cleanliness.


Based on our extensive experience, TNTP recommends the following as evidence-based practices for this domain:

  • Establish and utilize performance measures for decision making.
  • Conduct annual audits to prioritize system improvements.
  • Delegate primary staff members for each area of operations, and set and monitor progress toward individual goals.
  • Regularly collect and utilize feedback from instructional staff about working conditions.
  • Focus on clear communication and transparency.


Resource Description
The Management Center: Tools A collection of templates, rubrics, worksheets, and more to build efficient, effective procedures and systems
Goals Bank (from The Management Center) A list of sample goals for various areas of operations and administration
RACI Chart Guide A template for clarifying roles and responsibilities that can be used to ensure a point person for each area of operations
Draft Staff Who-To-Go-To-For-What Document An example document for clearly communicating the main contact if staff have questions or concerns about a particular area
Technology Resources for At-Home Learning A guide with tips and resources to bridge the digital divide that comes with at-home learning
English Learner Roadmap Exemplar guide for all levels of the system to work toward a coherent and aligned set of practices, services, relationships, and approaches for effective education of all English learners
Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo Chapters 5 and 6 of this book are digestible, practical guides to routines and procedures that maximize instructional time

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