Insight Help Center

Observation and Feedback

Classroom observations can be a powerful source of feedback for teachers and a valuable source of information for teacher evaluation. In this Insight survey domain, teachers report how frequently they are observed and how consistently they get feedback that helps them improve their instruction.


Based on our extensive experience, TNTP recommends the following as evidence-based practices for this domain:

  • Observe teachers frequently and regularly through the school year.
  • Collect low-inference notes during observations.
  • Give teachers feedback after every observation.
  • Give feedback on what is taught, in addition to how it’s taught.
  • Engage teachers with the development of specific action steps for improving their practice.
  • Support teachers’ success through modeling and practice.
  • Assess how successfully teachers improve instruction via action steps.
  • Use a system to record observations, including strengths, areas for growth, and agreed-upon action steps.


Resource Description
TNTP Core Teaching Rubric A tool for conducting Common Core-aligned classroom observations
Core Observation Guide A collection of resources to help you use the TNTP Core Rubric effectively and consistently
Classroom Observation Protocols Protocols to help observers prioritize their feedback and coaching support for teachers
The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation by Elena Aguilar A practice-based guide on the foundational skills and tools needed by coaching educators
Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves by Diane Sweeney and Leanna S. Harris An overview of an evidence-based coaching model that shifts the focus from “fixing” teachers to collaborating with them to design instruction that targets student outcomes
Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools by Paul Bambrick-Santoyo (Chapter 3: Observation and Feedback) Concrete guidance for leaders regarding best observation and feedback practices

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